

Krut Patel


Hey! I'm Krut Patel. Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I am currently pursuing a MS CS degree from UIUC. Prior to this, I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research India, building a native query execution engine for accelerating Big Data queries using Just-In-Time compilation. Previously, I interned with the DIAS Lab at EPFL, Switzerland, where I developed a scalable CSV Parser in a JIT-compiled OLAP database system.

I love pushing the boundaries of computing performance, and am exploring the fields of Compilers, Databases and Computer Systems.

Much of my time is spent browsing HN and automating all the repetitive stuff using Python scripts.

My Reading Activity

I am an avid reader and primarily enjoy speculative fiction. Ted Chiang is my favourite author; everyone should read The Great Silence at least once a year!

The following Github-style graph shows the time devoted to reading novels on a daily basis. Extracted from Moon+ Reader using moonreader-py.


Currently reading: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig